Is there a picture you can take
Step-by-step explanation:
Ketika dua garis tegak lurus, kemiringan satu adalah timbal balik negatif dari yang lain.Jika kemiringan satu baris adalah m, kemiringan yang lain adalahCoba ini Drag poin C atau D. Catatan lereng ketika garis tegak lurus satu sama lain.
Ketika dua garis tegak lurus satu sama lain (di sudut kanan atau 90 °), lereng mereka memiliki hubungan khusus satu sama lain. Jika kemiringan satu baris adalah m maka kemiringan garis lainnya adalah timbal balik negatif m.
Step-by-step explanation:
Combine Like Terms:
Step-by-step explanation:
You would find the area of the semi circles on either side of the rectangle by plugging the diameter into the formula for the area of a circle. Then you would add that to the are of the rectangle.
This is what that would look like:
1. Divide 6 (the diameter) by 2 because 

2. plug into the formula 

3. square the 3

4. multiply 9 by 3.14 (pi)

This means the area of both the semi circles added together would equal 28.26
Then you would use the formula
to find the area of the rectangle
1. plug in the numbers given
2. solve

Then add the area of the semicircles to the area of the rectangle

to get the area of the entire figure: