Assuming her weight loss is going to happen through nutrition alone. This question can be answered if we make apparent a few points. One pound is equal to 3500kcals. Jackie needs to lose 15lbs in 3 months. Therefore, she really needs to lose 52,500kcals (15lbs x3500kcals). In 3 months this equates to a caloric deficit of approx 584kcals/day (52,500kcals divided by 90days). So in order to reach her target goals she’s needs to be in a caloric deficit of 584kcals a day for 3 months from her current caloric intake that permits the maintenance of her body weight.
I will tell them that they should pay attention to eating foods rich in vitamins and pay attention to protein intake, especially fish, and interest in sports, and the simplest thing is walking.
Administration of prescribed analgesics and anthistamine
I think this is done by doctor and not a nurse
By strengthening your body it allows it to take more hits or strain without becoming injured.