60 + 30 = 90
90 divided by 3 = 30
30 divided by 60 = 0.5
so your answer is 0.5 m/s
To get the person Moving you have to overcome the static (means not moving) friction coefficient. U(static)
To get the person going at the same speed you have to overcome the kinetic friction coefficient. U(Kinetic)
Force to get him moving is 198 N. Force = ma = U(static)Mg
combining the 2 equations you get 198N = U(static)* 55kg *9.8m/s^2 Solve for U(static)
Same equation to keep him moving except with the dynamic force and the dynamic U
175N= U(kinetic)*55kg*9.8m/s^2 Solve (U dynamic)
The mineral with Mohs hardness would be scratched because the mineral with Mohs 7 hardness is stronger than the Mohs 5 mineral. Eventually, that mineral would turn into dust if you kept rubbing it.
friction is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another. Due to gravity pulling everything down things need to friction in order to move
i hope this helps :/