Sex trafficing is still a very huge thing today and some conspirasies bring in some of the most powerfull people of the united states and world into sex trafficing rings, such as Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Barak Obama, Jeffery epstien(who had "commited suicied") and many other names that we don't yet know. This is most likely happening because it fullfills these twisted fantasies of twisted people and because it brings in a lot of illegal money to who ever is doing the trading.
Zach visits on occasion, and seeing him causes Lily’s stomach to turn circles. Lily tells him that she considers him a friend, a boyfriend, a beekeeper, and a brother. She tells him what would happen if she were black, but Zach replies that there is no use in that kind of speculation. Instead they have to think about changing the world. Lily discovers something in him that has grown angry, and he fills his mind with complex race-relation issues. Lily wishes they could return back to the simple conversations they had before.
unexamined identity
The first stage is unexamined identity, which is characterized by a lack of awareness of or lack of interest in one's identity. For example, a young woman who will later identify as a lesbian may not yet realize that a nondominant sexual orientation is part of her identity.