Faber gives Montag an address to Fabers house at the end of the meeting
Blank news and black news
I think it's when your bones start to get frail and hurt all the time along with having to take certain medicine and food to help you gain strength back in your bones
Hmm, I'm not sure what type of techniques would describe those phrases, but I know a word that does.
"a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful."
"Everything happens for a reason."
"Time heals all wounds."
Part A: According to a different source, this video shows how water is an extremely scarce resource in Mexico City. This poses a variety of problems for its citizens.
Part B: Water can have several important uses. It is used for irrigation of crops. It is also used for drinking and for household tasks such as cleaning, washing and cooking.
Part C: Some of the city's residents have become activists in order to deal with the problem of water scarcity. Others buy bottled water to deal with the shortage, while others organize their lives around the availability or the lack of water.
Part D: One of the strategies I would suggest would be fixing the leaks in the water system, which would ensure that all treated water reaches its destination. I would also suggest educating the population on the importance of water and the strategies they can follow to have clean water for longer.
Part E: The main resource that would stop my plans from being implemented would be money. Money can be scarce in Mexico, and this can make it difficult to implement solutions such as fixing a leaking system or starting education campaigns.