Because, it helps you exceed.
Short-term effects of smoking may include the following:
"<span>Addiction to nicotine and exposure to dangerous chemicals"
"</span><span>More breathing problems"
"</span><span>Shortness of breath, phlegm, and a coarse cough"
"</span><span>Impaired lung growth and function"
"</span><span>Bad breath, yellow teeth, and stained fingers"
"</span><span>Foul-smelling clothes and hair<span>2"
Long-term effects may include the following:
"<span>Addiction to nicotine and exposure to dangerous chemicals"
"<span>Lung, mouth, throat, kidney, and stomach cancers"
"<span>Heart disease"
"<span>Impaired immune systems"
"</span><span>Emphysema and other chronic diseases"
"</span><span>Shorter lifespan (up to 20 years shorter)<span>3"
Quoted answers are NOT mine! There's a reason why they're quoted.
All credits reserved to their owners.
Further information / my sources may be provided at:
Please, if you or someone you know is smoking/just got into smoking. Please stop yourself/them. The effects can be catastrophic if not handled/stopped soon. </span></span>
Hepatitis B is the only sexual transmitted disease that has a vaccine available
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first of all what is that blank black thing you posted.
so what would work is first tolerance
you message each upward and inward position at night every night. that will also make them firm and not saggy aint nobody want that.
i said tolerance because you wont see resulte in the first day. NO MAJIC
it will take a month if done everyday ( talking out of experience). also there are particular spots u massage the enhance the could search it up for more clarification. but the two points above your breast and one point below. You will start to notice after day 4 that there will be pain wr u massage but it wont bad! HOPE THIS HELPED
let me know for any other questions.!