It is true. if you feel sad, you wont want to go on a run. if you feel happy, youll be more than happy to. it does make a difference. if you dont like soccer, you wouldnt play it. if you had a bad expiernce with golf (somehow xD) you most likely wouldnt feel up to playing it.
Attack and score thats prety much the game right
Explain further please I don't really know what you mean.
The direction of our attention creates our reallity because we first use our attention to learn symbols.
<em>We believe those symbols represent our knowledge and reality. Then we reach a stage where we realise that this reality is not real. So we try to change it and create a new one. It is like we declared war against all the lies in our knowledge and we fight to throw off the belief system that causes us to repeatdly punish ourselves for past wrongs, which is the system that brings up past thoughts and punishes us over and over again.</em>
<em>When we accept ourselves just the way we are and everyone else these punishments end.</em>