A- When a person hyperventilates, they have a respiratory rate characteristic of deep and rapid breathes.
B- When a person breathes from a paper bag, the person will be able to hold his breath longer because the person breathes in some CO2 which increases arterial CO2.
When a person hyperventilates, there is deep and rapid breathing which causes the body to lose CO2. An equilibrium between what the body breathes in and breathes out is important in maintaining steady respiration. However, hyperventilation disrupts this balance, causing the individual to breathe out more than he breathes in. A significant loss of CO2 can cause tissues to begin to malfunction.
Breathing into a paper bag helps the person breathe some of the exhaled CO2 back into the blood. Rebreathing from a closed system such as a paperbag or mask, will cause arterial CO2 to increase and arterial O2 to decrease. This will cause a level of relief that makes the individual able to hold his/her breath longer, though not as long as the baseline duration due to gradual recovery from the hyperventilation