Warm front
A warm front is the transition zone of the replacement of a cold air mass by a warm air mass. The pressure centers of warm fronts are usually low and the pressure read by a barometer will decrease due to an incoming warm front
The general direction of motion of warm fronts is from southwest to northeast with warmer and moist air behind the warm front than air into which the front flows. Therefore, warm fronts normally results in moderate precipitation or rainfall or snow.
La respuesta es C. Aurícula derecha – ventrículo derecho y aurícula izquierda – ventrículo izquierdo.
El corazón, órgano encargado de bombear sangre, se divide en dos secciones principales, cada una con una función. La primera es la cavidad derecha también llamada el corazón derecho, esta estructura incluye el ventrículo derecho y la aurícula derecha; además, esta sección recibe sangre no oxigenada y la bombea hacia los pulmones. Lo que es necesario para oxigenar la sangre. La segunda cavidad es la izquierda o corazón izquierdo que incluye el ventrículo y la aurícula izquierda; además, esta sección del corazón difiere de la cavidad derecha porque distribuye la sangre al resto del cuerpo.
The sun is a very big star that was created by many minerals and every star and put together
the kidneys excrete salt into the urine when dietary salt levels rise
Hyponatremia is an electrolyte imbalance, with a low level of sodium in the blood. The normal value of sodium in adults is 136 to 145 mEq / L. Sodium is an element, or electrolyte of the blood. Sodium chloride is commonly known as table salt.
Certain conditions can cause decreased sodium in the blood. Specific causes of hyponatremia include:
Water poisoning (water replacement without electrolyte replacement).
Problems in the kidneys, heart or liver.
Medications: such as diuretics, Heparin, certain chemotherapeutics (Aminoglutethimide, Cyclophosphamide and Vincristine).
Conditions related to steroids, hormones or metabolic defects, such as a syndrome that alters the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SSIHA). If this occurs, you urinate frequently and the kidneys excrete too much sodium. This can result from many conditions, including certain types of lung cancer.