Body Fat Ratio. It is a new indicator of obesity. It is far more efficient that the Body mass index. The main reason for this is that BMI does not differentiate between muscle mass and fat mass and it also does not differentiate central obesity.
Body fat ratio has been exactly devised in order to root out all the fallacies associated with BMI. It is the current best obesity indicator available to us.
There are 4 cal. in a 1 gm carbohydrate. 9 cal. in 1 gm of fat. 4*14 would give the answer.
The most efficient way to eliminate waste is obviously to reduce. If we reduce the intake there wont be as much outtake.
I will have to go with D because one pound is 3500 so if you reduce 3500 you can lose a pound
All of it is possible depends on the actual person's life .
Hope it helps :))