Problem 21
<h3>Answer: Jamie is closer</h3>
- A = Arthur's location = (20,35)
- J = Jamie's location = (45,20)
- C = Cameron's location = (65,40)
To find out who's closer to Cameron, we need to compute the segment lengths AC and JC. Then we pick the smaller of the two lengths.
We use the distance formula to find each length
Let's find the length of AC.

The distance from Arthur to Cameron is roughly 45.2769257 units.
Let's repeat this process to find the length of segment JC

Going from Jamie to Cameron is roughly 28.2842712 units
We see that segment JC is shorter than AC. Therefore, Jamie is closer to Cameron.
Problem 22
<h3>Answer: Arthur is closest to the ball</h3>
We have these key locations:
- A = Arthur's location = (20,35)
- J = Jamie's location = (45,20)
- C = Cameron's location = (65,40)
- B = location of the ball = (35,60)
We'll do the same thing as we did in the previous problem. This time we need to compute the following lengths:
These segments represent the distances from a given player to the ball. Like before, the goal is to pick the smallest of these segments to find out who is the closest to the ball.
The steps are lengthy and more or less the same compared to the previous problem (just with different numbers of course). I'll show the steps on how to get the length of segment AB. I'll skip the other set of steps because there's only so much room allowed.

Segment AB is roughly 29.1547595 units.
If you repeated these steps, then you should get these other two approximate segment lengths:
JB = 41.2310563
CB = 36.0555128
So in summary, we have these approximate segment lengths
- AB = 29.1547595
- JB = 41.2310563
- CB = 36.0555128
Segment AB is the smallest of the trio, which therefore means Arthur is closest to the ball.