Prime number: A prime number has factor of only 1 and itself.
Ex: 3: 1 and 3 are the only ways to compose 3.
A whole number that has factors other than 1 and itself is called a composite number.
Ex: 8: the factors of 8 include 1,2,4,8
Circle 5,7,2,19,3,11
Box 18,20,22,16,15,30,26,38,45,10,21,6,14
To determine the prime factorization of a number, you must break down a number into its factors. (im not sure?)
Continute until all of the factors are (im not sure)
Prime factorization is written exponential form (im not quite sure)
30= 2x3x5
30= 2^1 3^1 5^1
24=2 × 2 × 2 × 3
24= 2^3 x 3
sorry idrk if they are all right
Answer: 1
Step-by-step explanation:
All you had to do was multiply g by 1 so f(g(1)) as a value is 1
Answer: there is 4 digits in the number 0.536
Step-by-step explanation: Remember that the zero counts as a number
The area would be .4 cubic feet. The perimeter would be 2.1
Rate for Sally is 1 room per 8hrs
rate for Steve is 1 room per 7hrs
combined rate:
1/8 + 1/7 = 1/T
7/56 + 8/56 = 1/T
15/56 = 1/T
56/15 = T
3 11/15 = 3 hrs 44 min