3/18 divided by 2 equals 1/3
hope this helps
have a good day
theSentence = input('Enter sentence: ')
theSentence = theSentence.split()
sentence_split_list =[]
for word in theSentence:
sentence_split_list = ' '.join(sentence_split_list)
Using the input function in python Programming language, the user is prompted to enter a sentence. The sentence is splited and and a new list is created with this statements;
theSentence = theSentence.split()
sentence_split_list =[ ]
In this way every word in the sentence becomes an element in this list and individual operations can be carried out on them
Using the append method and list slicing in the for loop, every word in the sentence is converted to a PIG LATIN
The attached screenshot shows the code and output.
See, one is more or less a toy, designed for writing small pieces of code and traditionally used and abused by inexperienced programmers.
The other is a scripting language for web browsers. Sorry about my limited knowledge.
The answer is D) Double-Clicking
The question is a Microsoft Office Excel Question.
A sheet is also called a worksheet in Microsoft Office Excel. A sheet is a single page that holds its own collection of cells with which one can organize their data.
Sheets in Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet can run into hundreds and hundreds and is usually visible a the bottom of the excel page as tabs.
By default, the tabs or sheets are named starting from the first as Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3...etc.
By double-clicking on the tab, one is able to change the default name to any custom name the user choses.
antivirus.......hope this answers your question