Homeschooling sucks for children all across america and coronavirus is coming for everyone’s education. Homeschooling at home is definitely making it harder for children to learn with correct resources. For example, some children with 504 plans are having a harder time to learn because the don’t receive extra time on test and quizzes. I understand teachers might not like it and neither might the government but currently it is necessary to stop the spread. Although it can be difficult we all just need to try to hang in there until the virus can stop spreading.
introduction or next two chapters
B the narrator,the passage is written in third point of view
Television have been around for a while now and have given us entertainment. They have shows and movies streaming all the time and they give us a range of choices to watch. They have also helped businesses by promoting products and getting people to buy them. They also help the viewer because it had other commercials about careers and what stores to go to if you need certain things. Televisions are very useful and entertaining like for example they can be used to give information about animals or diseases. Almost all their commercials help people find answers or entertainment and that is why television are important.