B, A, C because the people are at the tournaments for a reason. The students next because they most likely like sports and last the department store
Regulations of cleanliness, provide fresh and healthy meals to the customer.
They have to follow the rules and regulations of cleanliness, provide fresh and healthy meals to the customer. Most of the restaurants follow the rules and regulations but some of them did not follow. They serve frozen and old food instead of fresh meal and dirtiness present in the place where food is cooked. The people should choose only those restaurants where thee rules and regulations are followed.
This is only my opinion, but I think it is better to consume conventional medicines. Natural medicines don't guarantee a cure. Conventional medicines have been analyzed and researched to be produced with the right antibiotics for a given sickness. Bacteria in your body is continuously evolving to become resistant to antibiotics in your body. At some point, the medicine you put in your body will have no effect. By consuming natural medicines, once the bacteria in your body have become adapted to it, since there are a limited number of natural medicines, you can no longer take them. By consuming conventional medicines, scientists can continue to improvise and produce newer medicines that can cure us before the bacteria become resistant to them.