Food Type 1,600 Calories
Grains At least half of your servings should be whole-grain. 6 servings per day
Vegetables Eat a variety of colors and types 3-4 servings per day
Fruits Eat a variety of colors and types 4 servings per day
Fat-free or low-fat dairy Products 2-3 servings per day
Short Answer: T<span>he ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.</span>
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A psychologist who would claim that a client's personal experience and viewpoint influence behavior more than events in reality would probably use cognitive psychology mixed with develompental aspects to explain the behavior and personality of a person.
The first effect of LSD are experienced thirty to ninety minutes after taking the drug. Often, the pupils become dilated. The body temperature can become higher or lower, while the blood pressure and heart rate either increase or decrease. Sweating or chills are not uncommon.
LSD users often experience loss of appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth and tremors. Visual changes are among the more common effects—the user can become fixated on the intensity of certain colors.