In order to find a fraction, We know that a percentage is out of a 100. This means we can now place our fraction as:
In order to find the actual fraction, we will want to simplify. Lets find our least common factor and work down from there. Since we know that 2 can go into both of them, lets reduce by 2.
This means our fraction will now look like:
Since 19 is a prime number and cannot be divided by anything but 1 and itself, we know that this is our simplified form.
This means:
19/50 is the fraction equivalent to 38%.
Step-by-step explanation:
4(8+2n) = 4 + 4n
32 + 8n = 4+4n
4n = -28
n = -7
Step-by-step explanation:
The answer is B, C, and D. Like terms are terms with all the same variable, so 5x and -x are like terms.
C is correct. If we add -x to 5x, we get 4x. The other numbers remain unchanged because they have no like terms.
D is correct. Applying the rule of like terms, which is that like terms are numbers with the same variable, only add together numbers with the same variable.
Hope this helps!
(A°/360°)*2s is a part of the circumference of the circle with radius s that is the base of the cone. It is equal to 2r, which is the circumference of the cylinder.
Step-by-step explanation: