Amniocentesis is a test in which fluid is removed from the uterus so the baby's genetic composition can be determined.
Answer: Sports is a good thing for some children because of self-esteem issues. Confidence can also be built for the children and this is important for the future. By participating in sports, children learn to set goals. However, healthy encouragement is a great thing for kids, but only if the children want to continue playing. If the parents are doing this for their own benefit because they played sports or they wanted to play at that age, the line has been crossed.
Answer:c. Place the client in sitting position
Postural drainage is performed during lung diseases. It uses gravity to allow the mucus coming from the lungs may drained out from the throat. The best way is to make the patient sit so the maximum of the mucus drained out. The mucus will be drained from the uppermost part of the body.