Answer:hard work had its own kind of dignity.
A on edge.
In the late 19th century, men, women, and children were working, with women and children receiving less pay than men. These people had to work in poor working conditions and low wages (women sometimes receiving six dollars a week).
<span>Nero was regarded as one of Rome’s worst emperors. He is
remembered for killing Christians in the arena by either feeding them to wild
animals or executing them. His rule was described as corrupt and killed many
Romans including his mother. Yet his
rule prioritized diplomacy as he established peace with the Parthian Empire and
promoted athletics and built theatres.</span>
oh my god
omg okay listen love b=no the not hotw it woeks but in number 2 irs probably a
<span>There are important things to do after you have your gallbladder removed to ensure that you have a good recovery. The first few days after surgery you should add foods back gradually into your diet. You should stick with clear liquids, broths and gelatin. People should avoid fried and high-fat foods. High fat foods tend to induce pain, bloating and diarrhea. Gas producing foods such as breads and cereals should also be introduced slowly back into the diet. You should contact your doctor if you start having any complications such as, severe pain, nausea, vomiting, or the inability to have a bowel movement.</span>