Answer: The endocrine system is concerned with body processes and functions in a slower and more precise adjustment.
Explanation: The endocrine system is made up of glands that are seperated from each other with no physical connection.
The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that controls the pituitary gland and indirectly influences many other glands of the endocrine system.
The glands of the endocrine system secrete and synthesize chemical messengers knowned as hormones that circulate round the body in the blood,these hormones now stimulate target glands and tissues to bring about metabolism and other cell activities and as well regulating body growth and maturation.
Glands of the endocrine system always notice changes in the amount of a particular substances and hormones in the blood and these changes are controlled by negative or positive feedback mechanism.
Answer: Moral hazards
Moral hazards refers to the situation where people take risk by maximising the inefficent decisions the outcomes may result in negative results which can adversly affect their health.
3-6 months is how long you can keep it in for
Signs of positive emotional well being
Reduce anxiety
To prevent increased circulation and itching, lotions should be gently but firmly patted on the skin, rather than rubbed in. Shake all lotions thoroughly immediately before application. Lotions are aqueous and are easily cleansed with water. Lotions are not oil based.