4HCl + SiO2 → 4H2O + SiCl4
axit clohidric Silic dioxit nước Silic tetraclorua
81. There is 1 carbon, 2 chlorine and fluorine atoms in Freon 12. To draw them it forms a cross with C in the middle and Cl and F both on the opposite side.
Global warming is expected to cause changes in the amount of cloud cover, and the height and thickness of these clouds in the future, shifting the balance between the parasol and blanket effects of clouds. The knock-on effect this will have on temperature is known as cloud feedback
Global warming is expected to cause changes in the amount of cloud cover, and the height and thickness of these clouds in the future, shifting the balance between the parasol and blanket effects of clouds. The knock-on effect this will have on temperature is known as cloud feedback
Bile is secreted by the liver to help in the breaking down of food particles.