The primary impact of immigrant inflows to a country is an expansion in the size of its economy, including the labor force. Per capita effects are less predictable: An injection of additional workers into the labor market could negatively impact some people in the pre-existing workforce, native- and foreign-born, while positively impacting others. The wages and employment prospects of many will be unaffected. The direction, magnitude, and distribution of wage and employment effects are determined by the size and speed of the inflow, the comparative skills of foreign-born versus native-born workers and of new arrivals versus earlier immigrant cohorts, and the way other factors of production such as capital adjust to changes in labor supply. Growth in consumer demand (immigrants also buy goods and services), the industry mix and health of the economy, and the nation’s labor laws and enforcement policies also come into play.
teachers are in the most strategic position to facilitate a balanced personality development and a more adequate adjustment of the learner. ... The teacher's own adjustment not only contributes to better adjustment of pupils but is essential for his own efficiency and happiness.
It is d. a process in which an increasing number of a population lives in cities and suburbs of cities
Answer: Wouldn't go past High School English and here is why.
English takes a majority in our world today, it will always be spoken, whether 1% of the time or 5%. It has been integrated into our daily lives that even not knowing how to properly speak it is looked down upon. I believes studying English is essentially and will be for centuries to come, but the depth of studying the subject shouldn't go past High School level which incorporates poetic and descriptive inferences through words.
At least that's what I've gotten from it.