Your ability to make purchases is affected by your income, or how much money you have. your ability to find housing is affected is also affected by your income. your ability to get a job is affected by your experience in the field and capabilities.
does not exist
Step-by-step explanation:
Inserting 2 to both formulas, you get different results. In that cases, a limit does not exist
3x^3 + 3x^2 - 27x - 27
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that At the pet owner’s meeting, there are 20 people who own dog, and 35people who own cat and 9 people own goldfish. Some people own both catand dog and some people own both gold fish and cat. No dog owners owngoldfish. There are twice as many people who own both goldfish and catthan people who own both dog and cat.
Total no of people =52
The venn diagram attached gives a clear picture
assuming x to be owners of both dog and cat. Then 2x is for both goldfish and cats.
Totalling all mutually exclusive we get
No of owners who own both cat and dog =4