You want to take 837 out of 36.
you can get 837 out of 3 0 times so you tack on the 6(0)
you get 837 out of 36 0 times so you tack on a zero(00)
Because you are adding a 0, you are now creating a decimal
you get 837 out of 360 0 times so you tack on a 0 (00.0)
You get 837 out of 3600 4 times so you put the 4 after the 0s (00.04)
Now you multiply 4 and 837 to get 3,348 and take that away from 3600 to get 252
Not you tack on a 0.
You get 837 out of 2520 3 times so you tack the 3 on behind the 4. (0.043)
Because of significant digits, your answer is 0.043
Multiply each term inside the parentheses by 3.
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Hope this helped!