a) C(Randy Goldberg, CS 252)
Randy Goldberg is enroled to class CS 252
b) ∃xC(x, Math 695)
There is a student that's enrolled to math clase 695
c) ∃yC(Carol Sitea, y)
There is a class where Carol Sitea is enrolled.
d) ∃x(C(x, Math 222) ∧ C(x, CS 252))
There is a student that's enrolled in math 222 class and in CS 252
e) ∃x∃y∀z((x ≠ y) ∧ (C(x, z) → C(y, z)))
There are two students (that arn't the same person) that, for every class, if one is enrroled, the other is enrrolled too.
f) ∃x∃y∀z((x ≠ y) ∧ (C(x, z) ↔ C(y, z)))
There are two students (that arn't the same person) that, for every class, they only are enrolled to the class if the other is enrroled too.