Hard hat: protects the head from falling objects
Leather gloves: protects hands from cuts and debris
Goggles: protects eyes from dust and air borne debris
N-95 respirator mask: prevents from breathing in dust, hazardous gases
Yellow vest: allows others to recognize that you are a responder and not a victim
inhibit bone resorption
Bisphosphonates inhibit bone resorption with relatively few side effects. As a result, they are widely used to prevent osteoporotic fractures. The use of bisphosphonates for the management of osteoporosis will be reviewed here. An overview of other treatment options for osteoporosis is discussed separately.Jul
The attitude and behavior displayed by the players I believe is the best option
The following foods are made from grains; Oatmeal, Brown Rice and Whole wheat bread except for Fish. Fish is a meat. The grain food group consists of foods that come from cultivated cereal crops. This means they are grown from plants. Fish is a living animal which is found in the seawater and is used as meat for human consumption.
Proteins, tell me if I’m right !