Sadly the peafowl are unable to swim, they have four toes on their feet. Three toes face forward and one toe faces backwards. This unique combination of toes enables the peacock to perch easily on branches of trees. They do not have webbed feet which are necessary for birds to actively swim.
Here is ur answer.
Production of energy using water power
Using electricity or energy-saving products, creation of technology to capture sulfur dioxide are the processes that can be taken into account.
Acid rain is a very serious issue in the urban areas now a days. Acid rain forms due to the excessive production of gases like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides etc which are beyond the level of absorption by the environment. This gases go up in the atmosphere and they mixes with cloud water to form corresponding sulphuric acid and nitric acid. These acids come along the rain and decrease the pH of the water bodies as well as soil.
If we start using water as the source of our energy production, then we can eliminate the use of coal and other fossil fuels which are chief sources of these gases.
If we can grow some technology to capture these gases before they are released into the environment, then also there will be less problems. Technologies like alkali bath are not so operative in large scales.
We can use electricity in boilers and other places where still, fossil fuels are brunt to produce the heat so that sulphur oxides don't come out.
No, there are no organisms that will not fall into these categories
Living organisms interact with one another in their natural environment in order to ensure that energy needed for their metabolic activities is obtained. To do this, each organism plays different or specific roles. The roles that every organism must fall into are as follows:
- Producers are groups of organisms that have the ability to synthesize their own food using light (photosynthesis) or chemicals (chemosynthesis). Examples are green plants, algae, some bacteria etc.
- Consumers- These are organisms that lack the ability to synthesize their own food and hence depend on other organisms for their energy source. Consumers can either be herbivores (eat plants) or carnivores (eat flesh) etc. Examples are all animals etc.
- Decomposers- These are organism that have the ability to breakdown dead organisms into organic matter, thereby, adding nutrients back to the soil. Examples are fungi, bacteria, earthworm etc.
Based on this explanation above, no organism will not fall into any of these three categories. Some can even occupy two roles.