Under the caste system, Aryans divided people, into castes, or groups, according to their occupation. Aryans created four main castes. The top castes were made up of priests, kings, and warriors. The lowest caste was made up of workers who served the higher castes.
1. The Brahmans - As the highest varna, the Brahmans had the roles of priests, philosophers, and scholars. They followed strict rules for perfect ritual purity and spent much of their lives studying and teaching religion.
2. The Kshatriyas - This was the ruling and warrior varna, made up of kings, generals, soldiers, and their families. The whole society counted on them for guidance and protection, and they were expected to learn religion from the Brahmans and maintain high standards of ritual purity.
3. The Vaishyas - This was a practical varna composed of craftspeople, traders, merchants, and farmers. They had the important jobs of growing food and keeping the society's economy running smoothly.
4. The Shudras - Unlike the other three varnas, the Shudras were not Aryan by blood. Therefore, they were the servants and laborers for the Brahmans, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas.
The mongol leader that is best known as a patron of the arts is Kublai Khan
He was the fifth Khagan of the Mongol empire, leading it from 1260 - 1294. He is the first mongol Khagan who initiate the development of arts within Asian Region
As much as we want to, we cant underestimate potetnial life on other planets. So this all deals with communication. If there is life in other galaxies, it will take years to get responses, and even the wavelengths will be absorbed.
France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power in favor of the United States and paved the way for the Continental Army's ultimate victory, which was sealed at Yorktown, VA, five years after Franklin embarked on his mission.
<span>In order to understand the differences between these types of benefits, we should start by looking at the names of the types of benefits. The first type of benefit is legally required benefits. As their name implies, these are benefits that employers are required (by law) to provide for their employees. For example, all employers must provide contributions to their employees’ Social Security funds. They also have to provide workers’ compensation premiums for their workers.</span>