Because she made the mess to begin with.
After the fire happened he scolded her because she had everything to do with it and it was almost a scold of relief.
Both the events of the 1992 LA Riots and the current social and political conflicts in America have the same origin, which is none other than the inequalities of social, economic and political opportunities that exist between African Americans and whites in the United States.
Thus, the 1992 LA Riots arose after the assault on Rodney King by the police and his subsequent acquittal by a mostly white jury, which demonstrated the impunity that the police had in the face of attacks on black people, as well as the structural power of whites versus blacks in the government structure.
In turn, the current disturbances arose after the murder of George Floyd by white police officers, thus repeating the pattern of abuse of power by the security forces, especially against members of the African-American community.
This is the main structure:
Each incorporates non-English words
The use of the words like 'tortillas' and exoticizing of the lands that are being talked about int he passage are the strategies of the author to introduce the reader to this feeling of being exotic in the place and to the place one is in.
The first passage is about a person who sees the baggage of their culture
The other is about one that refuses to see the culture they themselves have and are looking for something that is exotic to them and thus alluring.
This mostly depends from country to country, but most commonly people such as teachers, accountants, often doctors, builders and civil engineers, basic lawyers are often found as parts of a saturated job market.