You multiply the numerators (top numbers) and separately multiply the (bottom numbers) denominators.
numerator (top number): 2 * 1 = 2
denominator (bottom number): 3 * 4 = 12
Now, we have 2/12 which can be simplified to 1/6.
509 ÷ 13 = 36.36
There are about 36 floors.
Answer: 36 floors.
Letter B I have done this before
7. 3/4 x 12 is 9 so subtract 9/12 from 12/12 to get 3/12
8. Their pizzas were all cut differently. Josh’s pizza was cut in half, Lisa’s was cut into 6 slices and Vicki’s was cut in 8 slices
or x=(-1+√113)/4=2,40753≈2.41