The Monroe Doctrine<span>, was an attempt by president James </span>Monroe<span> in 1823 to prevent other European powers (outside of those already present) from establishing colonies or any new presence in the Western Hemisphere. It essentially stated that the United States would consider such attempts as an act of aggression.</span>
<span>Imaginary audience. This concept alludes to the thinking in adolescents about how pending the other people are from them. It
is common for them to perceive that others see and judge them
continuously, that is why they are constantly aware of their appearance.
I hope this
To make inferences and predictions about behavior concerning a voting decision, certain factors such as gender, race, culture or religion must be considered. Moreover, key public influences include the role of emotions, political socialization, tolerance of diversity of political views and the media.
Canada has the smallest population compared to the size of the country