In the Sahara Desert, one day the temperature was 58°C. On the same day, the temperature in Gobi Desert was -47°C. What is the difference between these two temperatures?
The temperature in Sahara Desert = 58°C
The temperature in Gobi Desert = - 47°C
Our question is to find the difference between their temperatures on that particular day. Note that ⇨ <em>difference</em> is the keyword for <em>subtraction</em>. So, to find the difference we need to subtract their temperatures.
58°C - (- 47°C)
= 58°C + 47°C
= <u>1</u><u>0</u><u>5</u><u>°</u><u>C</u>
So, there was a difference of about <em><u>1</u></em><em><u>05°</u></em><em><u>C</u></em><em><u> </u></em>between the temperatures of the Sahara & the Gobi Desert on that particular day.