1. volatile data
2. temporary data
3. persistent data
seems like you already got it correct
<span>The datasheet view in access looks similar to an excel spreadsheet.</span>
Hard disk drives (HDD), which use one or more rotating discs and rely on magnetic storage, and solid-state drives (SSD), which have no moving mechanical parts, but use flash memory like the kind found in USB flash drives.
It helps reveal the flow of execution of your program, including results of in-between evaluations. In other words, you can see what your program is doing, and why it takes the decisions it is taking.
If something unexpected happens, the trace will show you the sequence of events that lead to it.
The correct answer will be "Project Gutenberg".
- Project Gutenberg continues to obtain lots of requests for authorization for using printed books, pictures, as well as derivatives from eBooks. Perhaps some applications should not be produced, because authorization would be included in the objects provided (as well as for professional usages).
- You can copy, hand it over, or m actually-use it underneath the provisions including its license that was included in the ebook.
So that the above is the right answer.