If a cell's mitochondria were destroyed it would die. Mitochondria are the power houses of the cell and without energy, necessary reactions could not take place .
If a mitochondria stopped working the cell would not have its respiratory function such as to use carbon dioxide, water, and energy in which the cell needs to survive so the cell would eventually stop moving and slowly die out with no nutrients and energy.
Duplication of hox genes is important in the radiation of animals because they are regulating genes of symmetry and the body plan of the animals' bodies. Some change or mutation in these genes during duplication can cause mutations and with these evolution of the species as it controls the different segments of these animals as they develop, launching the genetic programs that form various body structures, such as limbs and organs. .
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The force needed, according to Newton’s Second Law will be the product of the bodys mass and its acceleration and in the same direction of the acceleration. So the magnitude of the force F= m*a = 5kg* 2m/s/s = 10 kg*m/s/s = 10 newtons.
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