It is a series of compounds especially organic compounds with the same general formula or functional group that differ by - CH₂ with similar properties.
I don't know what this says!
Golgi apparatus, a membrane-bound organelle with cisternae, delivers proteins and lipids from the endoplasmic reticulum to where they are needed- such as for secretion outside the cell. Fused vesicles with proteins/lipids that pinch off from the <em>trans</em> end of the ER fuse with the <em>cis</em> end of the Golgi apparatus delivering the ‘cargo’. The proteins/lipids are then given post-translation modified and ‘marked’ for different deliveries. At the trans end of the Golgi apparatus, the vesicles pinch-off with the modified proteins and transported to their destination.
The correct answer is- photosynthesis
According to the endosymbiotic theory, an ancestral cell engulfed a cyanobacteria and lived in symbiotic association with that bacteria and over time this bacteria evolved into the chloroplast and the ancestral cell developed into plant cell.
So as cyanobacteria was the first aerobic cell that can evolve oxygen and can do photosynthesis to produce organic food so it could be concluded that the presence of endosymbiotic cyanobacteria provided a cell with the advantage of photosynthesis.