Answer: O horizon
Horizons refers to the distinct layers of soil lying parallel to the earth surface. Horizons develop as a result of soil formation. Soil forms as a result of weathering or rocks and addition of organic matter from the decomposition of plant and animal waste. Each horizon differs from the others on the basis of color, texture, type of particles present in the soil, type of minerals present and amount of organic matter present in the soil.
O horizon is the soil horizon that is located closest to the earth's crust. This horizon consist of undecayed or partially decayed animal and plant waste like shedded leaves, bark, animal skin and feces. As, the matter remains undecomposed, therefore, this horizon consists of low amount of organic matter and it is less fertile for plant growth.
The rate of change of the area when the bottom of the ladder (denoted by
) is at 36 ft. from the wall is the following:

The Area of the triangle is given by
(by using the Pythagoras' Theorem) and
is the length of the base of the triangle or the distance between the bottom of the ladder and the wall.
The area is then

The rate of change of the area is given by its time derivative

Product rule
Chain rule

In here we can identify
The result is then

Friction is a force that slows down moving objects. If you roll a ball across a shaggy rug, you can see that there are lumps and bumps in the rug that make the ball slow down. The rubbing, or friction, between the ball and the rug is what makes the ball stop rolling. External Force is required.
A charge is produced when an atom losses or gains an electron. The law of static electricity states that like charges repels, while unlike charges attracts.
1. To determine the charge on the polystyrene rod.
Place the polystyrene rod on the non-conducting rotating stand, and bring the positively charged rod close to it. If attraction occurs, it shows that it is oppositely charged. If repulsion occurs, it shows that it is positively charged.
Bringing a negatively charged rod close to the rotating polystyrene rod would attract it if the charge is opposite. But if the charge on the two rods are the same, repulsion occurs.
2a. When the polystyrene rod is positively charged, it would attract the negatively charged rod but repel the positively charged rod.
b. When the polystyrene rod is negatively charged, it would repel the negatively charged rod but attract the positively charged rod.
c. When the polystyrene rod is uncharged, no reaction would be observed when either the positively charged or negatively charged rod is brought close to it.