It controls opening and closing movements of the stomata, but that isn't one of the answer choices.
The Answer Would Be #2 Polyp
Fish that are raised in clean filtered water are healthier.
Plants grow faster when they are in yellow light.
The energy source caused by deforestation is Woodfuel.
Hope this helps!
Biology can simply be described as the study of living organisms. Biology is divided into many sub categories depending on the features of life that we want to study. For example, molecular biology is the study of molecules which make up living organisms.
Zoology can be described as a branch of biology under which animals are studied. The field of zoology involved studying the taxonomy of animals, their evolutionary histories, physiology, embryology etc. All these studies are parts of biology hence zoology and biology are related.
Apart from these other unifying principles shared between zoology and biology are genetics, cell biology, population biology,biochemistry etc.