A ball is thrown from the top of a 15.0 m tall building. The ball is initially released with a speed of 25.0 m/s in the directio
n 30.0 degrees above the horizontal. 2.00 seconds after it was released, the ball is traveling with a speed of 22.8 m/s in the direction 18.2 degrees below the horizontal. Using a coordinate system where x points in the direction the ball was released and y points up, what is the y component of the ball's motion after 2.00 seconds
Answer: the final velocity and final velocity velocity can also be written as we It went to one route A. V. Of X. Care plus movie. Why is here? This is a vision number two. And this is a revision number one food equation and one into to get we want to and wrote. We now takes scared plus we not scared away helpless to And by and the horizontal and the vertical component which are we know scare X is equal to we not cost it and we're not scared by going to we not scientific putting these value. Immigration number three. We get we will too. Are we not scared? I got scared to to less. We not scare Science square theater plus two. Why? So this we equal to he went to work and rude. We're not scared people to got scared he to less science security theater Last two. A. Y. Sure we get we s we're not scared into I. Plus to A Y. So we is able to. And road we now scared. Plus two. Am I. So this is a vision number four. And we are given me an artist 14 m purse again. And why he has given us. Uh huh. three m. So we can we find out by putting this value innovation number for the disk 14 scared. Uh huh. Plus To into -9.8 into three. We get to be It will do 11.7. Me did last
If voltage is kept constant across the resistor itself, it' current will reduce. If the resistance is part of oscillator circuit, frequency response will change. If it is in series with capacitor or inductor, it will change the damping effect.