No, it is not the best, free enterprice is the best. with democracy we get told what to do, we dont get gun rights, and we cant start our own businesses without special grants and what not, however, its the opposit with free enterprise.
<h2>ANSWER: The restoration of the monarchy in 1660, Charles II and his brother James, Duke of York, rewarded Berkeley and Carteret with appointments to the Privy Council, shares in the American colony of Carolina in 1663, and then a joint proprietorship of part of the Duke's Mid-Atlantic territory expected to be </h2>
It is naturalization
At least eighteen years old.
A lawful permanent resident of the United States.
Resident and physically present in the United States for at least five years at the time of application.
Of good moral character.
And do a oath of allegiance
Cost shifting is defined as the process where using of excess revenues from one set of services or patients to subsidize other services or patient groups.
Answer: Option C
The main process where a health institute or a hospital gives service to the patient and if the patient is charged more than that of what is noted on the bill than the following process is called as Cost Shifting. And this situation is occurred with the patient who have health insurance.