The entire population will gradually become more similar to the best-adapted members.
Natural selection will cause the best-adapted members to have a better chance of survival and repopulation.
Adaptive immune defense system consists of lymphocytes like B-lymphocytes and T- lymphocytes. B-lymphocytes provides humoral immunity while T- lymphocytes provide cell-mediated immunity to the body.
99% of lymphocytes circulate freely in the blood and lymph. B lymphocytes differentiate into plasma B cells and B memory cells when interact with antigen presented by T helper cells.
Then plasma cells secrete antibodies in the circulation which binds to extracellular antigens through antigen-binding site. Then the bounded antigen is recognized by receptors present on phagocytic cells. This receptor binds the Fc region of antigen bounded antibody and destroy the antigen by phagocytosis.
Amoeba is different from plant cell because the plant cell is eukaryotes whereas Amoeba is prokaryotes. so plant cell are more similar in size and are typically rectangular or cube shaped and An amoeba has no definite shape