When preparing a healthful meal several things are important.
1. The ingredients (the substances that you use/ cook to prepare your meal) should be vegetables, fresh, and contain many vitamins and minerals that are very important for your health..
2. You should not use huge amount of fett ingredients.
The tip is to eat clean and healthy which means that the food will <span>give you the nutrients you need to maintain your </span>health<span>, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals. </span>
Overview of Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care. The law has a lot to say about personal decision-making. For example, people have the legal right to make their own health care decisions. However, poor health can jeopardize people's ability to exercise their legal rights.
Angina Pectoris is a medical condition that affect the cardio-respiratory system with clinical symptoms of chest tightness, difficulty in breathing, pain along the course of the costo-diaphraghmatic root and also Tachycadia which is increased breathing or difficulty in breathing.
i don’t know because I didn’t read the book. So take your best educated guess and hope u get it correct