Now a days, due to technological evolution we have modern and advanced devices than we have a 100 years ago. These devices and equipment like a DNA analyzer used in forensics have made it easier to analyze the victims DNA in no time. Not only these devices are fast and efficient but are also very accurate and help us get better and better results as the days of technological evolution are passing by....
Mitochondria are the the powerhouse of the cell the convert enrgy all throughout it..
Energy flows from one animal or plant eating or getting eaten to the next anima above it. As for your translation, the crickets are eating the grass then are getting eaten by the secondary consumers and finally getting fed to the largest consumer and every time you go up in the food chain more and more energy is being passed on.
Fruit in formulations allows unparalleled versatility, functioning as either a main ingredient, an inclusion, a flavorant, or as a healthful sweetener.