The worst ever possible extinctions events out of all these is:– Asteroid Impact ( Just like Chixculub ).
I'm re-arranging all this extinction events that are above listed out in the question starting from the least to the highest.
- Global Economic Impact
- CME ( Coronal Mass Ejection )
- World War 3
- Zombie Apocalypse
- A 20-years drought
- Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption
- Asteroid impact ( Just like Chixculub )
.⭐<u> </u><u>More</u><u> </u><u>Interestin</u>g<u> </u><u>facts</u><u> </u><u>to</u><u> </u><u>know</u><u> </u>⭐.
●. The Eruption of Supervolcano is estimated about at an equivalent of :– 875,000 MT TNT ( Megatons of TNT, TNT means Trinitrotoluene ) and the Energy released out from the eruption is about :– 3.7 ZJ ( ZettaJoules )
●. The Impact of Asteroid which is roughly 15 to 18kms in it's diameter and a height of 20kms tall ( A Chixculub impact ) can release it's energy of 50 billion Hiroshima Atomic Bombs ( or ) 10 million megatons of TNT.
●. Little Boy, it's a codename of the Atomic bomb, which was dropped by USA on Hiroshima in Japan during World War 2, This atomic bomb was made from the radioactive element known as Uranium. The energy released out from this bomb is 63 TJ ( TJ means TerraJoules ) and it's equivalent to 15 KT TNT ( Kilotons of TNT ).