Dogs were probably domesticated by accident, when wolves began trailing ancient hunter-gatherers to snack on their garbage. Docile wolves may have been slipped extra food scraps, the theory goes, so they survived better, and passed on their genes. Eventually, these friendly wolves evolved into dogs
The answer is 60% are active
A fracture or dislocation is a break or crack in the bone. It is when two bones are out of place at the joint that connects them which may also cause injury to nerves and blood vessels. The types of fracture are: Closed refers to fracture that does not break skin, Open, a fracture where external wound associated with fracture, Non displaced, a simple crack of bone and the Displaced, a fracture in which there is actual deformity. But there are three types of treatment for fracture or dislocation namely: Open treatment, examples are Surgically Cleaning the Bone, Removing Contaminated or Non-Viable Tissue, Stabilizing the Bone and many more. Other type of treatment is closed treatment like No immobilization and Cast Immobilization. Third type of treatment is Percutaneous Skeletal Fixation like internal and external fixation.
Is a written representation of something.