You're answer is A because when you think about it these creatures lived before any of the other creatures on your list
Assume that a student is given two different models of bacteria, with one model consisting of big bacteria and the other consisting of small bacteria. How can the student demonstrate the theory of endosymbiosis using the models?
Kingdom Fungi consist of eukaryotic organisms grouped into 3 phyla, with one group that doesn't fit into any of the grouped three. Each group of fungi were classified into phylum based on their reproductive life cycle. The three phyla are Zygomycotes, Ascomycotes, Basidiomycotes.
Zygomycotes produce their spores by meiosis in a structure called Zygosporangium. Ascomycotes produce their spores via meiosis in ascus (sac-like). Basidiomycotes produce their own spores via meiosis in club-like basidium.
However, a fourth group exists that has no known sexual reproductive structure (meiospores), instead it is known to reproduce asexually via mitospores. This group is called DEUTEROMYCOTES or commonly known as FUNGI IMPERFECTI. It is a group of miscellaneous fungi that doesn't fit into the classification basis of the other three phyla.
Bigger, the universe is expanding.
Soil erosion is defined as the wearing away of topsoil. Topsoil is the top layer of soil and is the most fertile because it contains the most organic, nutrient-rich materials. Therefore, this is the layer that farmers want to protect for growing their crops and ranchers want to protect for growing grasses for their cattle to graze on.