• the Americas were less densely woven than in the afro-Eurasian region. There was no equivalent to the silk, sea, or sand roads. • Spread of agricultural products was slower and less pro owned on the Americas • Spread of distinct cultural traditions like Buddhism, Christianity, or Islam · Americas did have zones of interaction • River networks of North America, where commerce plays an important role in regions where contact was possible, the dense communication lays between rather than within the regions that housed the two great civilizations of the Western Hemisphere- mesoamerica and the Andes.
Like the atmosphere, the ocean transports and distributes heat on Earth, helping to regulate climate.
Les systèmes fluviaux et les plaines inondables du Brésil, du Pérou, de l'Équateur, de la Colombie et du Venezuela, dont les eaux se déversent dans la Solimões et ses affluents, sont appelés "la haute Amazonie
I am not entirely sure about this one. But I believe that the "Emancipation Manifesto" signed by Czar Alexander II gave serfs land, or at least gave them the freedom to do what they wanted, like buying that said land.
No freedom of religion, or elections was yet to be had in Russia.
The act of patriotism and feeling patriotic are things which will make for a stronger nation. Not only will you be able to relate well to others in your shared love for this country but the more individuals who express their patriotic feelings, the stronger our country will be as a whole