<span>The Freudian stage during which girls must resolve the Electra complex is the identification stage.
</span>Electra complex is the conflict between erotic attraction, resentment, rivalry, jealousy and fear in girls.<span> When the girl desires the father, but realizes that she does not have a penis.</span> The same thing in boys is called Oedipus complex.
The correct answer would be, Shawn would pull over as soon as he sees the broken car.
Altruism is the general concept of helping others and finding happiness in it. It is basically the moral practice of concern. It is the act of kindness for the concern of happiness with human beings or animals, to get both moral and spiritual satisfaction. So on the basis of this concept, bystander intervention and helping behavior, Shawn is most likely to stop his car as soon as he sees a car being broken. He would immediately come out of his car to help the persons in the car who might be injured because of the accident.
20: checks and balances!
21: Duties: execute law, enforce law, make laws. who does them? EXECUTIVE branch EXECUTEs laws, LEGISLATIVE branch makes laws, and JUDICIAL branch ENFORCES the laws. making sure they are constitutional.
People began to trust George Washington more, since he had previously taken the initiative to step up and lead.
You can do that by sending information to the parents about all the classroom rules and regulations the dos and dont's and also an explanation as to why the child has to follow these rules maybe through a mail or a letter to the parent