Profit is a prerequisite for the success of our industry: without profit, there is no way for the company to grow sustainable, no way to offer people professional and financial growth opportunities, and no way to attract good new people to the team.
Costs must always be optimized: to make a profit, our team needs to be “paranoid” with cost optimization. Costs should be reviewed periodically and reduced whenever possible.
More Productivity: our team needs to be more productive, deliver more results in the shortest time possible, and thereby optimize your staffing costs.
More value to our customers: our business needs to deliver more value to its customers. The idea is to make our customer see more value in your products, be willing to pay more for it, and thereby increase the price and profit margin of your products.
In logic, an entailment is the relationship between sentences whereby one sentence will be true if all the others are also true. Want a less-dry-sounding, real-life example? How about this: Being a good student, for instance, is an entailment of attending classes, learning the material, and keeping up with assignments. An old-fashioned definition of entailment is a set of limitations that restrict the ways property can be bequeathed to heirs.
while obviously not everyone has an identical twin, according to experts it could be true that everyone has a twin that at least just look like them. we have all seen someone we have mistaken for someone else, and many of us have even been mistaken for another person.
Paraphrasing plagiarism
There are three main things to look at for in paraphrasing plagiarism. The first one is that the author borrows idea from an source. Secondly, the author is smart enough to ensure that the idea is not copied word-for-word, lastly, the write-up lacks an in-text citation and/or reference. In this case, the student paraphrases but does not use an in-text citation and he borrows ideas from the original source, but does not copy word-for-word. This is paraphrasing plagiarism.
The answer is c. If they printed more money it makes it worth less