What do you mean but if you mean what I think you mean then you take half of the tadpoles
what are sound waves* but anyways sound waves are sounds that travel through waves.
example: music travels out of a device into our ear.
Sterile water is most often used
Access. A basic feature of any greenhouse is access. ...
Vents. One of the first greenhouse features necessary is a means of controlling the climate – most importantly, venting excess heat. ...
Fans. Fans inside a greenhouse are necessary for two basic functions. ...
Rollup Sides. ...
Heaters. ...
Shelves and Benches. ...
Water. ...
theres more but these are the important ones .
<u>Diseases can be transmitted by the mechanical or the biological vector. Vector is an animal (typically can be called as an arthropod) which carries disease from one host to another. </u>
Mechanical transmission is the one in which an animal which carries the pathogen from on host body to the another without being infected by it. It is facilitated by the mechanical vector.
Biological transmission is th eone which occurs when pathogen reproduces within the biological vector which transmits pathogen from one host body to the another.