With respect to genetic information, it is true that a gene is a section of DNA and is found on a chromosome in the cell's nucleus.
DNA contains all the genetic information that determines the morphological and functional characteristics of living beings.
The structure of DNA contains specific sequences of 4 nitrogenous bases, whose extension constitutes the coded genetic information. A chromosome is formed by a DNA molecule, and the<u> </u><u>genes</u><u> contained in the chromosome locus are sequences of nucleotides coming from fragments of that same DNA</u>.
All the genetic information —DNA, chromosomes and genes— is located in the cell nucleus.
dies of a undignosed disease at age 7
A terminally ill 7-year-old girl — who two years ago received Christmas cards from well-wishers around the world — died Friday at her Sanpete County home of an undiagnosed disease that had caused her to stop growing at age 3.
They both transport ions, sugars, and salts across the membrane